
Strings and Characters

String literals may be defined using q{...} or "...", when using the latter syntax d or w may be prepended to dictate the size of the characters (dchar or wchar) or r to dictate that all escapes are ignored.

Character literals may be defined using '...' in which a single character is defined.


Escape sequences are sequences of characters which result in a special character being used.

Sequence Definition
\' '
\" "
\\ \
\0 Null terminator.
\a Alert.
\b Backspace.
\f Form backfeed.
\n Newline.
\r Carriage return.
\t Horizontal tab.
\v Vertical tab.
\xhh.. Hexadecimal character insert.


Literal suffixes are suffixes which may be appended to a literal to change the way that the literal is formatted or interpreted.

Integral -Fix Definition
u Unsigned, suffix.
U Signed, suffix.
L 64-bit integer, suffix.
f 32-bit floating point, suffix.
0x Hexadecimal, prefix.
0X Hexadecimal, prefix.
0o Octal, prefix.
0b Binary, prefix.

All integer literals may have their values separated by underscores for clarity, in replacement of commas such as in 10_000 where the literal is the value 10 thousand.

Comments, Terminators, and Scopes

// comment

/* multi-line comment */

Comments in Fern use the syntax \\ for single-line and /*..*/ for multi-line.

[type] name;

[type] name[(parameters)]

Terminators in Fern are ;, which are necessary to end any expression or declaration of a signature (such as a type or function.)

{ .. }

Scopes in Fern are started and ended using curly brackets.


Keyword Definition
this Refers to the parent instance of the scope in which it was used, it is a comptime error if the scope has no instance.
return Return
delete Destruct
bool Builtin
true Builtin
false Builtin
byte Builtin
ubyte Builtin
short Builtin
ushort Builtin
int Builtin
uint Builtin
long Builtin
float Builtin
double Builtin
ulong Builtin
nint Builtin
nuint Builtin
void Builtin
char Builtin
wchar Builtin
dchar Builtin
string Builtin
wstring Builtin
dstring Builtin
pure Attribute
const Attribute
static Attribute
public Attribute
private Attribute
internal Attribute
partial Attribute
system Attribute
trusted Attribute
safe Attribute
inline Attribute
mustuse Attribute
ref Attribute
align Attribute
offset Attribute
atomic Attribute
alias Alias
module Type
import Type
struct Type
class Type
tagged Type
unittest Unittest
function Function Pointer
delegate Function Pointer
if Statement
else Statement
foreach Statement
foreach_reverse Statement
while Statement
goto Statement
with Statement
break Statement
continue Statement
mixin Mixin
is Conditional
debug Versioning
export Reserved
extern Reserved
assert Reserved
__asm Reserved

Special Symbols

The prefix __ is resserved for implementation and thus should be blacklisted for use in declarations. Such implementation are as follows, but implementations may add to this:

Symbol Definition
__Windows Is Windows being targeted?
__Linux Is Linux being targeted?
__OSX Is OSX being targeted?
__Posix Is Posix being targeted?
__iOS Is iOS being targeted?
__tvOS Is tvOS being targeted?
__watchOS Is watchOS being targeted?
__visionOS Is visionOS being targeted?
__FreeBSD Is FreeBSD being targeted?
__OpenBSD Is OpenBSD being targeted?
__NetBSD Is NetBSD being targeted?
__Solaris Is Solaris being targeted?
__Android Is Android being targeted?
__x86 Is x86 being targeted?
__x86_64 Is x86_64 being targeted?
__x64 Is 64-bit being targeted?
__x32 Is 32-bit being targeted?
__fnc Is the Fern Native Compiler being used?
.sizeof The size in bytes of the symbol being targeted, this is a member.
.alignof The alignment in bytes of the symbol being targeted, this is a member.
.offsetof The offset in bytes of the symbol being targeted, this is a member.
.typeof The type of the symbol being targeted, this is a member.
.tag The tag of a tagged, this is a member.
.ptr The pointer of an object, this is a member.
.length The length of an array, this is a member.