
Locals are commonly referred to as variables, which in Fern are specifically variables that are local to a function (ie: not a field or parameter variable. )

All symbol structure members may be accessed from any symbol using the -> operator, to see such structures view the section on symbol formats!

rt.symbol may be used to access internal symbol structures, but not to directly access full symbol structures at once.

auto foo = 1;
string bar = "abc";

void main()
    writeln(foo->size); // 4
    writeln(foo->type->identifier); // int
    writeln(foo->type->name); // int

    writeln(foo->size == bar->size); // false
    writeln(bar.length); // 3
    writeln(bar->type == string); // true
    writeln(bar->glob == foo->glob); // true

Symbol Properties

Fern has an assortment of utility functions defined for symbols automatically to make working with them more fluid, they may also be defined specially to be used with the -> operator if a comptime available function returns alias and takes in an alias as the first generic parameter.

Property Evaluates
isType Is this symbol a type?
isClass Is this symbol a class?
isStruct Is this symbol a struct?
isTagged Is this symbol a tagged?
isTuple Is this symbol a tuple?
isModule Is this symbol a module?
isGlob Is this symbol a glob?
isAlias Is this symbol an alias?
isAliasSeq Is this symbol an alias sequence? isAlias && isArray
isFunction Is this symbol a function?
isDelegate Is this symbol a delegate?
isLambda Is this symbol a lambda?
isCtor Is this symbol a constructor?
isDtor Is this symbol a destructor?
isSCtor Is this symbol a static constructor?
isSDtor Is this symbol a static destructor?
isUnittest Is this symbol a unittest?
isField Is this symbol a field?
isLocal Is this symbol a local?
isParameter Is this symbol a parameter?
isVariable Is this symbol a variable? isField \|\| isLocal \|\| isParameter
isExpression Is this symbol an expression?
isLiteral Is this symbol a literal?
isArray Is this symbol an array?
isDynamicArray Is this symbol a dynamic array?
isStaticArray Is this symbol a static array?
isAssociativeArray Is this symbol an associative array?
isString Is this symbol a string?
isWideString Is this symbol a wide string? dstring or wstring
isSigned Is this symbol of a signed type?
isIntegral Is this symbol an integral?
isFloating Is this symbol a floating-point?
isNumeric Is this symbol an integral or floating-point?
isByRef Is this symbol passed by reference? isRef \|\| isClass \|\| isKHeap
isVector Is this symbol a vector? isKXMM \|\| isKYMM \|\| isKZMM
isPublic Is this symbol publicly visible?
isPrivate Is this symbol privately visible?
isInternal Is this symbol internally visible?
isSafe Is this symbol safe?
isSystem Is this symbol system?
isTrusted Is this symbol trusted?
isStatic Is this symbol static?
isGlobal Is this symbol global?
isTransient Is this symbol transient?
isAtomic Is this symbol atomic?
isBitfield Is this symbol a bitfield? This alters the size field of symbols, and thus will result in it being in bits.
isPure Is this symbol pure?
isConst Is this symbol const?
isRef Is this symbol ref?
isKHeap Is this symbol a heap kind?
isKStack Is this symbol a stack kind?
isKScalar Is this symbol a scalar kind?
isKFloat Is this symbol a floating-point kind?
isKXMM Is this symbol a 128-bit vector kind?
isKYMM Is this symbol a 256-bit vector kind?
isKZMM Is this symbol a 512-bit vector kind?
isKReadOnly Is this symbol a readonly kind? This may, but won't always, happen with const symbols.
isKDefault Is this symbol of the default kind? Does not indicate that this was set to default!
isNested Is this symbol nested in one or more other non-module symbols?
isPrimitive Is this symbol a primitive type? !isAggregate && !isArray
isBuiltin Is this symbol not an aggregate?
hasDepth Does this symbol have any depth? Pointers and arrays.
hasBody Is this symbol a function with instructions?
hasDataAllocations Does this symbol have any variables contained within it?
isEnum Is this symbol an enum? All members must be const and the type must be a tagged.
getOverloads(string) Get all overloads of the given function by name in this symbol.
getChild(string) Gets the child of this symbol with the given name.
getParent(string) Gets the parent of this symbol with the given name.
getAttribute(string) Gets the attribute of this symbol with the given name.
getField(string) Gets the field of this symbol with the given name.
getFunction(string) Gets the function of this symbol with the given name.
getInherit(string) Gets the inherit of this symbol with the given name.
getAlias(string) Gets the child alias of this symbol with the given name.
hasChild(string) Does this symbol have a child with the given name?
hasParent(string) Does this symbol have a parent with the given name?
hasAttribute(string) Does this symbol have an attribute with the given name?
hasField(string) Does this symbol have a field with the given name?
hasFunction(string) Does this symbol have a function with the given name?
hasInherit(string) Does this symbol have an inherit with the given name?
hasAlias(string) Does this symbol have a child alias with the given name?
hasChild(Symbol) Is the given symbol a child of this symbol?
hasParent(Symbol) Is the given symbol a parent of this symbol?
hasAttribute(Symbol) Is the given symbol an attribute of this symbol?
hasField(Symbol) Is the given symbol a field of this symbol?
hasFunction(Symbol) Is the given symbol a function of this symbol?
hasInherit(Symbol) Does this symbol inherit the given symbol?
hasAlias(Symbol) Is the given symbol an alias child of this symbol?

Symbol Attributes & Formats

Symbol Attribute Definition
type Structure of data with or without instance presence - struct, class, tagged or tuple.
struct A product-type aggregate passed by-value.
class A product-type aggregate passed by-reference.
tagged A sum-type aggregate passed by-value with a tag.
tuple A sum-type aggregate passed by-value with arbitrary types.
module Top or domain level scope with no instance presence.
function Executable code scope taking parameters and returning a return type.
delegate Dynamic executable code scope taking parameters and returning a return type from an address.
lambda Special inline format of delegate.
ctor Scope constructor, namely used for type and module.
dtor Scope destructor, namely used for type and module.
unittest Scope independent executable code taking no parameters and not returning anything. Executes synchronously and may not be called.
field Data that exists and persists outside of an execution scope.
local Data that exists and persists only inside of an execution scope.
parameter Local declarations in a function signature which require arguments.
expression Code which may not function without an existing statement to modify, like 1 + 1
literal Value known to the compiler before execution.
glob The global scope of the entire program, containing all of its symbols.
alias A symbol pointing to another symbol.

This is implementation defined, but generally symbols have or store the same information as the following formats internally:

Symbol [ 
    Glob glob;
    SymAttr symattr;
    string name;
    Symbol[] parents;
    Symbol[] children;
    Symbol[string] attributes;

    string identifier;
    Symbol parent;
    # May not be accessed on primitive types, as there is no module available.
    Module module;
Type : Symbol [
    Type[string] inherits;
    Variable[] fields;
    Function[] functions;
    ubyte[] data;
    size_t size;
    size_t align;
    # For pointer and arrays, how deeply nested they are.
    uint depth;

    string type;
# This is also used for delegates, lambdas, ctors, dtors, and unittests.
Function : Symbol [
    Variable[] parameters;
    # This will include the return and parameters as the first locals.
    Variable[string] locals;
    size_t align;

    Symbol return;
    string type;
# This is also used for locals, parameters, expressions, and literals.
Variable : Symbol [
    Type type;
    ubyte[] data;
    size_t size;
    size_t align;
    size_t offset;
Alias : Symbol [
        Symbol single;
        Symbol[] many;

    // Always "alias"
    string type;
Module : Symbol [
    Symbol[] imports;
    Type[] types;
    Variable[] fields;
    Function[] functions;
# This is used to store global information about the program.
Glob : Symbol [
    Symbol[string] symbols;
    Module[string] modules;
    Type[string] types;
    Field[string] fields;
    Function[string] functions;
    Alias[string] aliases;
    Function[] unittests;